March 20, 2024
Houston, Texas

Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say Rejoice! 

Philippians chapter 4 - The apostle Paul in the midst of being imprisoned, writes this incredible chapter and tells us to rejoice in the Lord! To be anxious for nothing! To meditate on these things! And that we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us… all while being in JAIL. 

As Ryan and I were writing songs in this season, we didn’t necessarily have a theme for the record, we were just writing songs in response to situations that we were experiencing. However, we started to notice the joy we would have in the midst of our storms when we wrote songs like Rejoice, and Report of the Lord, because they were truths of God’s word to remind ourselves that our God is bigger than our situations and still worthy of praise in spite of them! 

So the album ‘Rejoice’ is a collection of Truths to sing out in the midst of our live’s hardships. To praise our King who gives us peace beyond our understanding. 

I have seen so many people in worship both on the platform and in the pews that I know the backstory of what they’re walking through, and it is so incredible to see how they still give God everything and press deeper into His arms- through their losses of loved ones, health issues, financial difficulties, and broken relationships because they know walking them out with the Lord is the best thing for them to do. I believe this new album gives us songs that echo the goodness of God and will help those walking through pain to run deeper into the Father’s love, draw closer to His Word and be led by His Spirit! 

So if you need songs of faith- ‘I Believe’ and ‘You Keep Your promises’ are two of my favorite worship songs and declare the consistent faithfulness of God. ‘Report of the Lord’ and ‘Rejoice’ will remind you that our God is bigger than all of our situations and is walking with us through every single one of them! If you’re looking to testify- ‘This is my story’ and ‘Because of Jesus’ reflect on all the marvelous things He has done! and if you’re wanting to bring a high praise- ‘Name above all Names’ has been our family’s latest anthem of worship.

I pray this album isn’t just a blessing to you, but will also pull you deeper into relationship with God. I’m praying for every heart that hears and sings these songs and I am so grateful for what the Lord is already doing.

With loving gratitude,

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